About Tech Source International, Inc.  /  TSI-1.com

Founded in 1990 as a Manufacturers’ Representative, our goal was, and still is, to provide the latest in video imaging products and technology available, specializing in Sony industrial cameras.

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Our Mission

From the beginning, T.S.I. has seen itself as the critical link between scores of potential hardware manufacturers and our customers. For our customers, we must be knowledgeable, helpful, supportive, honest and hard working. We will analyze your needs and present only qualified solutions, or refer you to another source. You can trust our opinion, value our experience, and rely on us as your primary source for vision and imaging solutions.

We now focus all of efforts exclusively on Sony industrial cameras Please give us a call at 847-650-9980 if we can help you in any way. Let us know if you have any questions about Tech Source International.


about tech source international



Photography Services

We offer photography services for your family, team or company events.

Using Sony cameras and AirPeak drones, we can capture those special moments for a lifetime of memories.

Visit TSI Photography  to learn more!